Youth & Children's Ministries


Youth & Children's Ministries

Every Sunday we provide a staffed Nursery for children under age 3. Activity bags and a small play area are also provided in the sanctuary for the children to play with during the service—the sounds of children are welcome in our worship!

September through mid-June, our Children Worship and Wonder ministry takes place during worship time. Every Sunday children, age 3 years through second grade, are invited to take part in Children Worship and Wonder during worship time. This ministry provides an opportunity for children to learn the stories of the Christian faith in fun and imaginative ways. Following the Children’s Time in the sanctuary, children are escorted by the greeter to their worship center, located upstairs in the north wing of the building. Children will be brought down to the fellowship hall at the end of worship to reunite with their caregivers.

Youth grades 3 to 6 gather in the Young Disciples Classroom for lessons and activities.